The “Why” of Things

As we left the cat with nine lives as insurance for the curse of curiosity, we have to wonder how this would lead us astray in the first place or lead us down the path to become a creationeer. This curiosity is seeking answers by observing, asking questions, testing the limits and pushing the envelope.  Usually the primary question is “why”.  Most young children go through this phase of “why”, i.e.

“Why is the sky blue?”

“Why do dogs bark, etc?”

Thankfully this after the NO and MINE stage!

One would ask why did this event occur then the attached questions of what happened, how did it happen, when did it happen and where did it happen?  Finally, ask: who made it happen?  Otherwise the sequence of circumstances of linked causes and effects from a known result.  Many an investigation begins in this way of following the why of things.  This is where the cat risks one of those nine lives as the why of things can be quite unpredictable and/or under the influence of unknown variables. Of course during a good story, there is always those pesky characters that are working against anyone finding out the why of things!

The tension builds between and within the circumstances and the cat is even more wary.  For the creationeer this tension is not high enough at the investigative level, as the creationeer needs to push things just a little further to a truly creative process.   The creationeer now asks: “What if?”

Posted in Reflections.