The Bone Shaman

This was a piece done for practice working off of an art brief, in this case a Dungeons & Dragons Style humanoid creature one they put out last year as an Art Test. I started with a simple sketch and some basic tones to get me thinking about color and volume.

DandDtestStep001Staring to refine the shapes into the direction I want the final image to go.


Adding some glazing effects to start to push the depth of the image and get closer to the final highlight and shadow colors.


Working on bringing in the detailing, and ironing out his hands. The biggest change being that I redid his face to have it better reflect the brief while still keeping to my style.

DandDtestStep004 I’m probably going to either add him into an entire environment, or at least add a little magic going on with his Skull. I call him The Bone Shaman.

Posted in Art.